Caravaning, Camping and Glamping Sites in Northern Ireland

The point data in this layer identify the location of all of the camping, glamping and caravan sites identified within Northern Ireland digitised from the addresses provided by the Camping NI website. The individual points were then verified and amended where necessary to reflect the correct location of the site identified using the latest OSNI Orthophotography available in the area.

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
Creation Date أبريل 8, 2020, 15:17 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Inland / Waters
  • Location
  • Society

The point data in this layer identify the location of all of the camping, glamping and caravan sites identified within Northern Ireland digitised from the addresses provided by the Camping NI website. The individual points were then verified and amended where necessary to reflect the correct location of the site identified using the latest OSNI Orthophotography available in the area.

Frequency of Update Irregular
Contact Name Marine Evidence Team
Contact Email
معلومات إضافية

The address and website, if available, were included in the attributes.

إمكانية المشاهدة False
Source last updated
Time period
Meta Tags
Dashboard Link