Davagh Dark Skies Boundary
Extent of Mid Ulster Council Dark Sky Park in Davagh. This area has been certified by the International Dark-Sky Association. This is the first certified dark sky place in... -
Mid Ulster Council Main Offices
Location of Council Offices in the Mid Ulster Council Area. Mid Ulster Council is a local authority in Northern Ireland which was established on 1 April 2015 on a review of... -
Mid Ulster Council Wards
Standard Electoral Ward boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, taken from OSNI Wards 2012. -
Mid Ulster Council Parks Services Facilities
Contains all the services/facilities that the Parks Department within Mid Ulster Council manage and maintain. There is a number of sites that have a number of services and... -
MUDC AED Locations
Location of AED Locations that has been development in association with Mid Ulster Council. These are offered by both council facilities and community/ business buildings... -
Mid Ulster Council Licensed Petroleum Sites
Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary. -
Litter Bin Collection
{{description}} -
Mid Ulster District Council ECharging Points
Locations of the electric car charging points within Mid Ulster District Council. Also contains information on charger types and location. Data collected from the Electrical... -
Mid Ulster Council Old Burial Grounds
{{description}} -
Mid Ulster District Schools
{{description}} -
Mid Ulster District Council ECharging Points
Locations of the electric car charging points within Mid Ulster District Council. Also contains information on charger types and location. Data collected from the Electrical... -
Mid Ulster Council District Electoral Areas
District Electoral Areas for Mid Ulster District Council, including the councillors for each area. Mid Ulster District Electoral Areas boundary taken from OSNI DEA 2012. -
Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres
Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community -
Mid Ulster Council Properties
{{description}} -
Mid Ulster Council Caravan & Camping Sites
The locations of caravan and camping sites within Mid Ulster District Council. -
The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District. -
Mid Ulster Council Off Street Car Parks
All the Car Park locations within mid Ulster Council including the opening hours and the number of charged and free parking spaces available. Data was created by Mid Ulster... -
Street Lighting Faults
This dataset shows street light faults maintained by DfI Roads in Northern Ireland that were reported by members of the public. -
Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics
Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25%... -
Lone Pensioner Allowance Statistics
Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) was introduced on 1st April 2008 and is administered jointly by Land and Property Services (LPS) and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive... -
Department of Health Spend over £25,000 23/24
Monthly updated list of financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Department of Health, as part of NICS's commitment to transparency in expenditure. -
Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Departmental spend over £25,000 - 2022/23
A monthly updated list of all payments over £25,000 made by the Department for Infrastructure during the financial year 2022/23, as part of the NICS’s commitment to transparency... -
Department for the Economy Information Asset Register 2023/24
The register is a list of personal and non-personal information assets held by the Department for the Economy (DfE) collected in 2023/24. -
Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Departmental spend over £25,000 - 2023/24
A monthly-updated list of all payments over £25,000 made by the Department for Infrastructure during the financial year 2023/24, as part of the NICS commitment to transparency... -
Highway Network
This dataset contains centreline information regarding roads in Northern Ireland that are adopted and maintained by DfI Roads. Use the ADOPTION_STATUS_NAME column to filter the...
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