DoH Trust Boundaries
A review of the original DHSSPS Trust Boundary dataset was completed in 2017. The DHSSPS/DoH Trust Boundaries are derived from Land and Property Services (LPS) 50K scale Local Government Districts 1993. Using a scale of 1:50K has led to Largescale variations being made visible. This final DoH Trust Boundary shapefile is derived from LPS' 1993 Largescale Local Government Districts, removing scale variations and other surplus attribute information from the previous version. Updated 21/02/2018.
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Papildus informācija
Lauks | Vērtība |
Metadata last updated | 2018. gada 21. marts |
Izveidots | 2018. gada 21. marts |
Formāts | SHP |
Licence | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | 7fa52dde-90b8-446e-bb79-4871d1028cb4 |
Package id | 0b04b46c-49af-45d5-b277-91b10937a01b |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |