Data holder contacted Ballot box turnout
Given that there is a lack of detailed demographic data on who has voted in elections, and the remarkable change in turnout at the 2017 Assembly Elections, it would be useful to...pims 7 gada -
Data holder contacted RHI Grants and energy generated
Data showing the correlation of grants approved coupled with the energy generated from the applicable renewable sources coupled with non renewable generationpims 7 gada -
Data holder contacted TransportNI Bond Monies
Prior to construction, a developer is required to enter into an Agreement with the Department‘s TransportNI, to provide the roads, footways and sewers to the Department’s...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Building Control NI Data
Details from Building control on construction Projects starting and completing. Along with planning data, which is publicly available this would allow analysis and insight into...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Public Access Defibrillators (AEDs)
Community Resuscitation Strategy 2014 suggests >1000 AEDs outside hospitals in NI, but no comprehensive record of ownership and location. It also states Ambulance Service...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Complaints to Public Services Ombudsman
The Office of the NI Public Services Ombudsman receives complaints from people who claim to have suffered injustice because of maladministration by public services, as well as...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Staff In hospitals in Northern Ireland
A breakdown of the staff, specifically nurses/doctors in the hospitals/care homes across Northern Ireland. Total staff count. How many work in each location over a...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Dataset of all Voluntary/Community services across Northern Ireland
This dataset should detail all voluntary and community services in Northern Ireland known to or used as referral services by statutory agencies including their location and/or...pims 8 gada -
Data holder contacted Housing Condition Survey and NIHE Stock Survey data
Every few years that the HSC is undertaken, a knowledge base of data is created, with detailed information about the housing stock in Northern Ireland (from all housing...pims 8 gada