OpenDataNI Innovation & Outreach Fund 2020 - One month until the closing date!

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Keen OpenDataNI-watchers will already be aware that one of the key strands of the Open Data Strategy for Northern Ireland 2020-2023 is the creation of a new Innovation & Outreach Fund.

This initative aims to provide funding to applicants who are:

  • proposing to create an innovative re-use of our data, and/or
  • seeking to promote awareness & use of NI government Open Data (for example, by holding workshops or other events centred on open data re-use).


Applications are open to any NI resident or organisation, and the closing date for applications is Friday 7th February 2020.


For all the details on the Fund and how to apply, go to:


In the event of any queries, we'd be more than happy to hear from you, e-mail us at, or just click on the Contact Form link (at top right of page).


Open Data Team.