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  • CKAN Upgrade

    2024. gada 10. decembris As part of our servicer provider Datopian's commitment to ensuring the continued performance, security and long-term maintenance of OpenDataNI, they will be performing a major... More
  • Launch of Open Data Innovation and Outreach Fund 2022-2023

    2022. gada 5. decembris It's that time of year again when the Open Data teams opens up our collection of data to data scientists, analysts and enthusiasts, to tech gurus, to students and anyone with a vested... More
  • OpenDataNI site availability

    2022. gada 5. septembris Right from its initial launch back in November 2015, OpenDataNI has been something of a steady rock in a sea of change, looking and functioning the same now as it did from day one. In all... More


1 Datasets

Access real time train information with the help of Alexa on Amazon Echo and Translink's Real Time Rail data feed, accessible on OpenDataNI. By creating the free Amazon Echo “My Train” skill, I have provided a service that tells you the latest train time information for a journey of your...

2 Datasets

You can read all about how I created this showcase and the background to it [here](

24 Datasets

You can read all about how I created this showcase and the background to it [here](
