• Released WFD waterbody status classifications

    Data on the classification of waterbodies (all types) over time in relation to Water Framework Directive standards
    8 anni fa
  • Cannot be released Past versions of Northern Ireland Orthophotography

    It would be very useful if past years of orthophotography could be released that are no longer being used by LPS. This imagery would be extremely useful for better visualizing...
    8 anni fa
  • Released 'Breastfeeding welcome here' certificate holders

    The PHA hold a list of the businesses around NI that have obtained the 'Breastfeeding welcome here' certificate. I would like to see this dataset made publically available.
    8 anni fa
  • Not held by public sector People with a learning disability profile

    Statistics confirming country of birth, ethnicity and spoken language
    8 anni fa
  • Released Baby names

    The annual baby forenames that is published by NISRA. See the Full Names List https://www.nisra.gov.uk/baby-names/latest-release.
    8 anni fa
  • Released Rates Revenue

    A breakdown of annual rates revenue by each council. How much was collected from district rates and how much from regional rates for each of domestic and non-domestic...
    8 anni fa
  • Not held by public sector Rail Statistics

    Rail statistics data by the railway stations in each local authority in Northern Ireland and am looking to find the number of entries/exists for 2016 per station. Entries Total...
    8 anni fa
  • Not held by public sector Mobile Coverage and Quality of Internet Service

    As a Programme Executive currently working on testing and developing an online learning platform for young people, I want to look at a mapping of Wi-Fi hotspots and the quality...
    8 anni fa
  • Scheduled for release Giving blood

    All data in Northern Ireland regarding giving blood, ages, sex, areas,blood type that give etc
    8 anni fa
  • Scheduled for release Publically managed recycling locations in NI

    Some councils already publish thiis kind of data e.g. https://www.lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk/resident/bins-recycling/bring-bank-locations but it would be good to get a single...
    8 anni fa