Released NISRA (statistical) GIS boundaries
There are particular boundaries used by NISRA, mainly for census purposes: Super Output Areas (SOA), nest within Wards which are already on ODNI Small Areas (SA), nest within...più di 8 anni fa -
Released NOIDS data
Public Health Agency publishes weekly Notifications of Infectious Diseases (NOIDS) reports. As useful as this is for monitoring, because the report is published every week in...più di 8 anni fa -
Released Scheduled road works
As a road user I have found no way to access planned road works, when companies and agencies are digging up roads for maintenance or laying cables etc. What I'd like to see is...più di 8 anni fa -
Released Road Traffic Counts
Road Traffic Counts Stats and RAW data, separated per road typepiù di 8 anni fa -
Released Settlement Boundaries
Settlement/Town/City Boundaries as defined by industrial, building, and housing infrastructure.più di 8 anni fa -
Released Higher and Further education. Student enrollment areas
The postcode on the enrollment record, supplied to DEL by the universities/colleges, can be used to determine where students at FE/HE colleges are from, even if they have...più di 8 anni fa -
I would like to get the see the boundary data of HSC trusts. And probably the other boundaries outlined in this document:...più di 8 anni fa -
Released Schools+ Database
All of the data that is available from Schools+ should be available with an open licence http://apps.deni.gov.uk/appinstitutes/instmain.aspx In terms of the data itself, if the...più di 9 anni fa -
Released HSC Unit Cost Database
Annual Reference Costs (which I’ve also seen referred to as unit costs) have been published by DHSSPS under the OGL. However, no more recently than 2007-08. (Can't find them on...più di 9 anni fa