obese and overweight - children (Health Survey...
Proportion of children (aged 2-15) classified as obese and overweight from Health Survey Northern Ireland 2010/11 to 2015/16 (based on International Obesity Task Force cut-off points of the BMI percentiles for children)
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Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification de la métadonnée | 22 février 2017 |
Date de création | 22 février 2017 |
Format | CSV |
Licence | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | False |
Id | f57c234e-f4b4-4125-9120-ede44162235f |
Package id | 8eeeaa13-1f44-4b91-9091-49afb6e321bf |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |