Mineral Resources (Geopackage Format)

URL: https://admin.opendatani.gov.uk/dataset/a47e1630-086f-4b92-9416-1197cc8c633a/resource/fcc4d397-b585-4659-82af-3e484040d294/download/mineralresourcesgeopackage.zip

This zip file contains the geometry and style files that comprise the Mineral Resources dataset along with a PDF data sheet detailing symbology and classification of the data.

The data show the geological distribution of all onshore (above low water mark) mineral resources.

Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 9 Novembre 2022
Créé le 9 Novembre 2022
Format geopackage
Licence UK Open Government Licence