DfC SCS Gifts and Hospitality Register 2022-23 Q1

URL: https://admin.opendatani.gov.uk/dataset/51c3393f-24f9-4409-a1ee-1c80db717371/resource/6e54951b-8517-4fbe-b7e8-1cb96db72f66/download/scs-gifts-and-hospitality-register-q1-2022---23.csv

Issu de l'abstract du jeu de données

The data held is that of gifts and hospitality offered to Senior Civil Servants and independent Board and Audit & Risk Assurance Committee Members within the Department for...

Source: DfC Senior Civil Servants Gifts and Hospitality Register

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Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 18 Octobre 2022
Créé le 18 Octobre 2022
Format CSV
Licence UK Open Government Licence