Translink Bus Stop List
This data contains a list of all Metro and Ulsterbus Bus Stops across Northern Ireland. It includes all real and virtual bus stops. -
Ulsterbus and Goldliner Timetable Data
Ulsterbus and Goldliner timetable data. This is a common interface file ATCO.cif. Updated 03 March 2025 The ATCO specification is a standard used widely within the Public... -
Translink Metro & Glider Timetable Data.
Translink Metro and Glider timetable data. Updated 03 March 2025 This is a common interface file ATCO.cif. The ATCO.cif specification is a standard used widely within the Public... -
Translink Northern Ireland Rail Timetable Data
NIR rail timetable cif data valid from 03 March 2025. -
Management Information relating to attendance at Northern Ireland...
From 18 August 2020 to 21 June 2021 a survey was issued to educational settings in Northern Ireland. The management information, relating to staff and pupil attendance during... -
NICS Overtime Costs 2019/20
Details of overtime costs and hours by Department for the financial year 2019/20 -
NICS Overtime Costs 2020/21
Details of overtime costs and hours by Department for the financial year 2020/21 -
NICS Departmental Overtime Costs 2017-19
This data was originally requested under FOI (FOI DoF/2019-0287) and is published here in full. Providing NICS departmental overtime hours and costs for 2017/18 and 2018/19 -
Management Information relating to attendance at Northern Ireland...
From 23 March 2020 to 29 June 2020 a survey was issued to educational settings in Northern Ireland. The management information, relating to staff and pupil attendance during...
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