NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Natural Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Natural Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
Department of Health trust boundaries
There are a total of 5 Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCT) in Northern Ireland; Belfast, Northern, Southern, South Eastern and Western. Each HSCT is managed directly by a board... -
Border Crossings 2018
An exercise was conducted by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland (NI) in collaboration with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTaS) in the... -
Northern Ireland Local Councils Election 22 May 2014
Data relating to the Northern Ireland Local Councils Election held 22nd May 2014. The 11 Councils are: Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council; Ards & North Down Borough... -
NI Assembly Election 5 May 2016
Data relating to the NI Assembly election held 5th May 2016. -
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index
The Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) is an experimental quarterly measure of the performance of the Northern Ireland (NI) economy based on available official... -
Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2014/15
The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance... -
Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2015/16
The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance... -
FODC Tree Preservation Orders
Information on Tree Preservation Orders within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area. -
Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2013/14
The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance... -
EU Referendum 23 June 2016
Data relating to the Referendum held on 23rd June 2016 regarding membership of the European Union. -
UK Parliamentary Election 7 May 2015
Data relating to NI Constituencies for the UK Parliamentary Election held 7th May 2015. -
European Parliament Election 22 May 2014 (NI Region)
Data relating to the European Parliament Election held 22nd May 2014, for the Northern Ireland Region. -
Further Education Activity
The data presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments in the NI FE Sector covering academic years. The data cover the characteristics of those enrolling in FE colleges and...
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