Travel to Work Areas 2011
Travel to Work Areas (TTWAs) are zones defined where the bulk of their resident population work within the same area. TTWAs are aggregations of Super Output Areas, and were... -
Northern Ireland Civil Service Employment Statistics
Figures at the Northern Ireland level, N I Civil Service staff numbers by department disaggregated by headcount, full-time equivalents, permanent, temporary/casual, gender and... -
Suicides by Occupation
The number of deaths recorded as 'suicide' or 'event of undetermined intent' in Northern Ireland, by broad occupation group. In the UK it is standard procedure to include both... -
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010
The 2010 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2010) comprises seven domains of deprivation, each developed to measure a distinct form or type of deprivation. The... -
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005
The 2005 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2005) contains seven domains of deprivation: • Income Deprivation • Employment Deprivation • Health Deprivation and...
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