Released Settlement Boundaries
Settlement/Town/City Boundaries as defined by industrial, building, and housing infrastructure.hace 9 años -
Released Higher and Further education. Student enrollment areas
The postcode on the enrollment record, supplied to DEL by the universities/colleges, can be used to determine where students at FE/HE colleges are from, even if they have...hace 9 años -
Not held by public sector Key Stage One and Key Stage Two results
Key Stage One and Key Stage Two results disaggregated by Free School Meal Entitlement and by school.hace 9 años -
I would like to get the see the boundary data of HSC trusts. And probably the other boundaries outlined in this document:...hace 9 años -
Cannot be released Volunteering in Northern Ireland: A Research Report 2015
This report was commissioned to provide a baseline of volunteering levels throughout NI. The primary data source used to gather this information was the Northern Ireland Omnibus...hace 9 años -
Scheduled for release Childhood Assessments & Additional Support Data
The number and percentage of children that have received an assessment by a health visitor between the ages of two and two and a half, disaggregated by Trust area and council...hace 9 años -
Not held by public sector An insight into Food Banks in Northern Ireland 2015
The raw data behind this DSD report that was published in August 2015. Anecdotal evidence, together with recent media reports, points towards a rise in the number of food banks...hace 9 años -
Released Schools+ Database
All of the data that is available from Schools+ should be available with an open licence http://apps.deni.gov.uk/appinstitutes/instmain.aspx In terms of the data itself, if the...hace 9 años -
Released HSC Unit Cost Database
Annual Reference Costs (which I’ve also seen referred to as unit costs) have been published by DHSSPS under the OGL. However, no more recently than 2007-08. (Can't find them on...hace 9 años -
Cannot be released Integrated Transport - Pilot Project Data
Integrated Passenger Transport Pilot Project in Dungannon involved an “extensive data collection exercise” analysed by consultants at Systra as part of the development of wider...hace 9 años