• Released Road Traffic Collisions

    The Police Service collect data on road traffic collisions involving injury. At the moment, the datasets for 1998 to 2014 are on the UK Data Service...
    hace 9 años
  • Not held by public sector Location of Road Speed Bumps

    Location of Road Speed Bumps
    hace 9 años
  • Scheduled for release Bike Hire Journeys Dataset

    A dataset of each jouney made between Belfast Bikes docking stations. Fields: rental station (name/id); date and time of rental; return station(name/id); date and time of...
    hace 9 años
  • Released NISRA (statistical) GIS boundaries

    There are particular boundaries used by NISRA, mainly for census purposes: Super Output Areas (SOA), nest within Wards which are already on ODNI Small Areas (SA), nest within...
    hace 9 años
  • Cannot be released Cadastral Parcels

    I would be great see INSPIRE cadastral parcels released as open data, under an open government licence, with references to Inspire ID and National Cadastral Reference to enable...
    hace 9 años
  • Data holder contacted Housing Condition Survey and NIHE Stock Survey data

    Every few years that the HSC is undertaken, a knowledge base of data is created, with detailed information about the housing stock in Northern Ireland (from all housing...
    hace 9 años
  • Not held by public sector Sold house prices

    Details from land registry with data on each individual houses historical sold prices. Eg. From 1990. This has been available in England for years.
    hace 9 años
  • Released NOIDS data

    Public Health Agency publishes weekly Notifications of Infectious Diseases (NOIDS) reports. As useful as this is for monitoring, because the report is published every week in...
    hace 9 años
  • Released Scheduled road works

    As a road user I have found no way to access planned road works, when companies and agencies are digging up roads for maintenance or laying cables etc. What I'd like to see is...
    hace 9 años
  • Released Road Traffic Counts

    Road Traffic Counts Stats and RAW data, separated per road type
    hace 9 años