Data holder contacted Ballot box turnout
Given that there is a lack of detailed demographic data on who has voted in elections, and the remarkable change in turnout at the 2017 Assembly Elections, it would be useful to...8 years ago -
Not held by public sector Missing library books
A breakdown of books that are missing from library's per library and how long they have been missing, also include book name and author.8 years ago -
Cannot be released Health Survey NI
The Health Survey NI provides rich data on approx. 4,000 adults each year. Questions cover a range of health topics including health status and health related behaviors. Access...8 years ago -
Released Nursing home locations
There is a metadata dataset for registered nursing homes in northern ireland. I can not find the actual dataset. Can opendata ni get this dataset?...8 years ago -
Cannot be released Postcodes Directory
The NI Central Postcode Directory provides a 'lookup' between active and terminated postcodes and statistical and administrative areas (i.e. for each postcode, which areas it...8 years ago -
Scheduled for release Youth Service Registration Data & Grant Aid NIYSA Data
The Education Authority completes annual registration of youth groups (referred to in the data as units). The data for youth service units registered with the Education...8 years ago -
Cannot be released MOT data
Hi, Anonymised MOT data is available for the rest of the UK but not Northern Ireland. https://data.gov.uk/dataset/anonymised_mot_test It would be great to compare data in...8 years ago -
Data holder contacted RHI Grants and energy generated
Data showing the correlation of grants approved coupled with the energy generated from the applicable renewable sources coupled with non renewable generation8 years ago -
Released Obesity statistics for children and adults
Statistics on obesity in children and adults at the lowest level possible - postcode area or town ideally.8 years ago -
Released Traffic Regulator: goods and public service vehicle operator licence records
Register of all goods and public service vehicle operator licence holders in Northern Ireland as recorded on the Operator Licensing Business System. Contains data extracted from...8 years ago