Translink Northern Ireland Rail Timetable Data
NIR rail timetable cif data valid from 03 March 2025. -
RQIA Registered Services
List of RQIA regulated services (exc Children's Homes) with address, contact details, provider name and date last inspected by RQIA -
Department of Finance - Departmental Expenditure Over £25,000 24/25
A monthly updated list of all financial transactions over £25,000 made by the Department of Finance, as part of the NICS's commitment to transparency in expenditure. -
LPS Call handling stats and LPS Offices in-person visits
LPS Call Handling Stats 2018-2024 -
Licensed Bus Operators in Northern Ireland
Bus Operator details, including Bus Operator Licence (BOL). -
Poverty Rates
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Poverty Rates
3 year based data, i.e. 2007-10 refers to 2007-2010. In 2020-21, there was a reduced sample size due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data used for both the 2018-22 and 2019-23... -
Poverty Rates
3 year based data, 2007-10 refers to 2007-2010. In 2020-21, there was a reduced sample size due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data used for both the 2018-22 and 2019-23 figures... -
Poverty Rates - Northern Ireland
description -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Benefit Statistics
For further information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further information... -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Benefit Statistics
For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: Benefit Statistics - Further Information Personal Independence Payment Statistics - Further... -
Employment vacancies notified to DfC
The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC. -
Employment vacancies notified to DfC
The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC. -
Employment vacancies notified to DfC
The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC. -
Employment vacancies notified to DfC
The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC. -
Steps 2 Success
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Steps 2 Success
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Steps 2 Success
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Net Migration - Northern Ireland
Description of Data Notes: Net Migration is the difference between inflows and outflows. Inflows = people coming to Northern Ireland to live Outflows = people leaving Northern... -
Mid-year population estimates
Description of Data Population estimates for the 850 Super Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024. Time Period Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and...
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