NIMDM 2010 Summary Measures (LGD, LGD2014 &...
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 Summary Measures (administrative geographies -- LGD, LGD2014 & AA1998 levels).
The Local Government District, Local Government District 2014 and Assembly Area 1998 summary measures focus on different aspects of multiple deprivation at the Local Government District, Local Government District 2014 and Assembly Area 1998 levels. No single summary measure is favoured over another, as there is no single best way of describing or comparing LGDs or AAs. Population estimates used in the NIMDM 2010 are the 2008 small area population estimates.
LGD 2014 summary measures are aggregated from 2001 SOA Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 results. All 2001 SOAs have been assigned to the new LGD 2014 based on January 2013 Pointer and the new LGD 2014 boundaries provided by Land & Property Services. Where SOAs cross two or more LGDs 2014, the LGD 2014 where the greatest share of the SOA Pointer properties nest, is assigned as the main LGD 2014.
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Feld | Wert |
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert | 16. Januar 2017 |
Erstellt | 16. Januar 2017 |
Format | ODS |
Lizenz | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | ed43fe43-f057-45a4-bf10-97161bd3d5dc |
Package id | 6b9e49fb-7f3c-4503-ba68-31acbf32b1c3 |
Position | 8 |
State | active |