DAERA CSEMP Sediment Contaminant Monitoring
Daten und Ressourcen
DAERA CSEMP Sediment Contaminant Monitoring - 2018ODS
This data resource contains results from analysis of sediment samples taken...
Feld | Wert |
Creation Date | Februar 24, 2020, 11:38 (UTC) |
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Lineage | Sediment sampling is carried out between March and April each year. A day grab is used to collect 5 replicate samples for chemical analysis at each site (in accordance with Green Book guidance). Samples are sieved and sent to an accredited laboratory for chemical analysis. The analytical results are returned to DAERA and screened for oddities/outliers before being reporting to the National Marine Database (MERMAN). Particle Size Analysis is performed in-house and reported to MERMAN alongside the contaminant data. The analytical laboratory must submit Analytical Quality Control (AQC) and Proficiency Testing (PT) results to MERMAN. MERMAN uses an in-built data filter to ensure that the submitted data are fit for purpose. The filter calculates a score based on the QC information provided by the analytical laboratory. Only data that pass the AQC process are released to OSPAR/ICES or used in UK assessments (MSFD). |
Frequency of Update | Annually |
Contact Name | Data Manager, Monitoring and Assessment |
Contact Email | marine.inforequests@daera-ni.gov.uk |
Zusätzliche Informationen | Full Discovery Metadata: https://portal.medin.org.uk/portal/start.php#details?tpc=010_9f6d581b73119af088963fdbc5db328e |
Sichtbarkeit | False |
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