Northern Ireland Traffic Count Data
Annual traffic count data collected by the Department for Infrastructure at permanent counter sites across Northern Ireland from 2012 -
Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland
The PSNI produces statistics on the number of anti-social behaviour incidents recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and... -
Police Recorded Crime in Northern Ireland
The Police Service of Northern Ireland produces statistics on the number of crimes reported to police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and... -
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010
The 2010 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2010) comprises seven domains of deprivation, each developed to measure a distinct form or type of deprivation. The... -
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005
The 2005 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2005) contains seven domains of deprivation: • Income Deprivation • Employment Deprivation • Health Deprivation and... -
Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21
On 26 May 2016, the Executive agreed the draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21. The draft framework contains 14 strategic outcomes which, taken together, set a clear...