Industrial Heritage Record
This is a points dataset showing the location of over 9,000 industrial heritage sites. The Industrial Heritage Record lists more than 16,000 features, but only limited... -
Northern Ireland Sites and Monuments Record
This is a points dataset showing location of historic sites and monuments records in Northern Ireland. -
Listed Buildings Northern Ireland
This is a points dataset showing the locations of all Listed Buildings within Northern Ireland. -
GSNI 250K Geology
250k Bedrock Geology A 1:250,000 map showing the main geological bedrock divisions in Northern Ireland. The data comprises the bedrock geology, which represents the outcrops (at... -
Border Crossings 2018
An exercise was conducted by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland (NI) in collaboration with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTaS) in the... -
Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland - Final Recommendations
Datasets of the Boundary Commission's Final Recommendations for 17 Parliamentary constituencies in Northern Ireland under the 2018 Review. Further detail on the Final...