• Data holder contacted Current Further Education (FE) Courses In N.I

    A current list of upcoming FE courses in N.Ireland
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Job Centre Online Listings

    Is it possible to make the current listings on the job centre online open? https://www.jobcentreonline.com/JCOLFront/Home.aspx
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Current Placements & Apprenticeships

    Is it possible to make the NIDirect DfE placements and apprenticeship data open to the public? e.g....
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Council owned land

    A dataset featuring all council owned land. Datasets exist of particular sites but a comprehensive file would be more manageable. This style of request had previously been...
    7 years ago
  • Cannot be released Volunteering in Northern Ireland - NI Omnibus Survey (October/November 2016)

    Raw dataset relating to the Volunteering in Northern Ireland section of the NI Omnibus survey (2016). This information was used to inform the Department for Communities...
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Open Wifi access points

    Belfast city council provide open wifi from a number of locations. A release on where these locations are would be very useful.
    7 years ago
  • Released Break down of types of recycling waste statistics

    From this link below you can see there is a lot of good data in the excel file. Its not machine readable but the data is broken down very well. https://www.daera-...
    7 years ago
  • Scheduled for release Oblique Aerial Photography

    A set of oblique aerial photographs showing the coastline of Northern Ireland
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Human microbial sensitivity test results

    I would like to see data released on human microbial sensitivity testing. These tests would be carried out in microbiology labs in hospitals. No patient information would be...
    7 years ago
  • Data holder contacted Veterinary microbial sensitivity test results

    I would like to see data released on veterinary microbial sensitivity testing. These tests would be carried out in microbiology labs in the agricultural sector. No farm business...
    7 years ago