Northern Ireland Traffic Count Data

Annual traffic count data collected by the Department for Infrastructure at permanent counter sites across Northern Ireland from 2012

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Felt Værdi
Creation Date oktober 26, 2017, 17:01 (UTC)
Topic Category Transportation

Count data is not complete at all sites and may contain some errors. This may be due to equipment malfunction, road works in the vicinity of the count site, damage to equipment etc. Site maintenance seeks to restore non-operational sites, however the variety of external factors affecting sites means that this work is likely to remain on-going. The overall number of count sites is reducing due to resource restrictions. Cells within tables that are marked “-” contain data that was either considered to be unreliable or no information was available at that site.

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name TICC
Contact Email
Yderligere information

Traffic and Travel Information incorporating Annual Traffic Census is available from 2012 onwards in PDF format at:

Synlighed False
Source last updated
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