School Census - Special Schools
Schools Census information regarding pupils at special schools in Northern Ireland -
School Census - Post Primary
Data in regard to pupils attending post primary schools in Northern Ireland -
School Census - Pre-Primary Schools
School Census information - pre primary schools -
School Census - Nursery Schools
School Census information - Nursery Schools -
School Census - Primary Schools
School Census Information - Primary Schools -
School Enrolments NI Summary Data
Number of schools by management type and pupils in Northern Ireland, yearly figures between 1991/92 and 2016/17 -
School Enrolments by School Management Type
Enrolments by School Management type 2000/01 to 2016/17. Pupils by School type and Management type. -
School Locations
The data gives the name, address, postcode, co-ordinates and enrolment data for schools in Northern Ireland. Further information regarding schools can be found on DE's website...
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