OSNI Open Data - Gazetteer - Place Names
The Place Names gazetteer contains a geographical index of 336 towns and villages across Northern Ireland. The data was derived from OSNI's 1:250,000 Ireland North mapping. The... -
OSNI Open Data - Gazetteer - Streetnames
This street listing contains the name and Irish Grid coordinates for all streets in Northern Ireland. Published here for Open Data. By download or use of this dataset you agree... -
OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - Local Government Districts (2012)
The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of Local Government Districts set in 2012.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been... -
OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - Wards (1993)
This is a polygon dataset consisting of Standard Electoral Wards set in 1993. The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and... -
OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - District Electoral Areas (1993)
The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consistingofDistrict Electoral Areas set in 1993.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been... -
OSNI Open Data - 1:1Million Raster - County Boundaries
1:1,000,000 raster map showing the County boundaries of Northern Ireland. A raster map is a static image displayed on screen which is suitable as background mapping. 1:1 000,000... -
OSNI Open Data - 1:1Million Raster - Parliamentary Boundaries (2008)
1:1,000,000 raster map showing the parliamentary boundaries of Northern Ireland. A raster map is a static image displayed on screen which is suitable as background mapping. 1:1... -
OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - District Electoral Areas (2012)
The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of District Electoral Areasset in 2012. The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been... -
OSNI Open Data - 50K Boundaries - District Electoral Areas (1993)
OSNI 50k DEAs as they were from 1993. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the LPS Open Government Data Licence.Please Note for...
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