Satellite Derived Bathymetry
In 2021 a high resolution (minimum 10 meters) satellite-derived bathymetry survey was complete for the full extent of the Northern Ireland marine area to a maximum depth of 8-11... -
Fugro were commissioned to undertake a post storm LiDAR survey of the soft sedimentary areas along the north coast of Northern Ireland in March 2022. This survey was to cover... -
Linear Bedrock Intrusive
The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the... -
Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas
These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel... -
Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (29/06/2021)
About this layer: A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water... -
Coastal Interbasins
Water Framework Directive (WFD) legislation requires the definition of both surface and groundwaters as a coherent set of hydrological units which could be monitored and... -
2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Pilot Bathymetric LiDAR Survey - Digital Terrain Model
A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 which mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough./p>For the pilot bathymetric survey a... -
2020 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
Coastal Superficial Geology
The Geological Survey Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to complete the coastal superficial geology project in November 2022.The superficial geology dataset produced... -
River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Dissolved Oxygen
This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state,... -
Roe Network Contribution
About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met... -
Trasencts Definition
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
1980 OS 27 10K
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Satellite Derived Bathymetry - Digital Terrain Model
In 2021 a high resolution (minimum 10 meters) satellite-derived bathymetry survey was complete for the full extent of the Northern Ireland marine area to a maximum depth of 8-11... -
Linear Bedrock Unit
The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the... -
1919-1924 OS CS 4th Ed
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
Priority Habitats - Heathland
About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThe heathland database was mapped using... -
Water Framework Directive Protected Area - Shellfish Waters
EU Shellfish Waters Directive (2006) was repealed in 2013 and all responsibility for legislative protection of shellfish waters was subsumed into the Water Framework Directive.... -
Burn Dennet and Foyle Network Contribution
About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met... -
September 2022 - North Coast Post-Storm Recovery Survey - Digital Surface Model
Fugro were commissioned to undertake a post storm LiDAR survey of the soft sedimentary areas along the north coast of Northern Ireland in March 2022. This survey was to cover... -
2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Pilot Bathymetric LiDAR - Orthophotography Natural Colour
A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 as part of the NI 3D Coastal Survey. This mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough.... -
Coastal Cells
DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline... -
River Blackwater Network Contribution
Network contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average... -
End Point Rate
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
Fugro were commissioned to undertake a post-storm LiDAR survey of the soft sedimentary areas along the north coast of Northern Ireland in March 2022 This survey was to cover the...
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