Newry, Mourne and Down District Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Mid and East Antrim Borough Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Mid and East Antrim Borough Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
A list of the current Councillors on Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Information Requests received by Land & Property Services in 2016/2017
Number of Freedom of Information, Environmental Regulations & Data Protection Requests for Information 2016/2017 -
Information Requests Received by Land & Property Services in 2017/2018
Number of Freedom of Information, Environmental Regulations & Data Protection Requests for Information 2017/2018 -
Information Requests Received by Land & Property Services in 2018/2019
Number of Freedom of Information, Environmental Regulations & Data Protection Requests for Information 2018/2019 -
FODC Members Allowances 2017-2018
Members Allowances for Mileage, Travel, Subsistence, Special Allowances, Allowances for Chair/Vice-Chair responsibilities. -
2016 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
2018 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
Construction Procurement Pipeline for NI
The pipeline document is designed to complement information provided on the ISNI Information Portal (www.isni.gov.uk). • The ISNI Information Portal provides a wide range of... -
Programme for investment in public infrastructure
Information contained is provided by Northern Ireland Government Departments and their Arms Length Bodies. Information relates to construction contracts with a value greater... -
Coastal Flood Boundary Extreme Sea Levels (2018) - NI Extract
Extreme Sea Level values is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels, a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and typical surge... -
Department of Education Northern Ireland - Information Asset Register
Information datasets held by the Department of Education within its Information Asset Register -
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Assets
Dataset contains locations of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Assets -
Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council Assets
Physical assets for Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council, categorised by type. -
Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2013-14
Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from... -
Health Trust Specialist Services Reference Costs 2013-14
Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from... -
Northern Ireland Inshore Marine Conservation Zones
This GIS layer describes the boundaries of 5 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs); 4 were designated in December 2016, under the Marine Act (Northern Ireland) 2013 and Strangford... -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Physical Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Historic Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Natural Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Natural Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
NI Coastal Erosion High Level Risk Appraisal
This layer shows the potential for erosion of the Northern Ireland coastline at a high level. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal Erosion... -
Department of Health trust boundaries
There are a total of 5 Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCT) in Northern Ireland; Belfast, Northern, Southern, South Eastern and Western. Each HSCT is managed directly by a board... -
Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collision Statistics Northern Ireland 2017
The PSNI produces statistics on injury road traffic collisions (RTCs) that are reported to the Police. These statistics are collected in accordance with the STATS20 guidance... -
Applications by Type, Town and Country
A list of applications by type, town and country as provided in applicant current address field.
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