Belfast Food Premise Hygiene Ratings
This data set contains information about food premises, such as restaurants and takeaways, in Belfast. This includes the name and address of premises as well as their food... -
Belfast Community Centres
This data set contains information about our community centres, data items include: name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfasts Civic Amenity Sites
This data set contains information about our civic amenity sites, data items include: name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast City Parks
This data set contains information about our parks, data items include: name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast Cemeteries
This data set contains information about our cemeteries, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast Bowling Pavilions
This data set contains information about our bowling pavilions -
Belfast City Council Bottle Banks
This data set contains information about our bottle banks -
Belfast Air Quality Monitoring Stations
Information about air quality monitoring stations in Belfast including location, height and pollutants checked for -
Belfast City Council Playgrounds
This data set contains information about our playgrounds, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast Public Toilets
This data set contains information about our public toilets, data items include; name, address, RADAR key, baby changing facilities, longitude, latitude -
Belfast City Council Recycling Centres
This data set contains information about our recycling centres, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast Sport Pitches Playing Fields
This data set contains information about our sports pitches and playing fields, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude -
Belfast City Council Advice Centres
This data set contains information about Belfast City Council Advice Centre -
Belfast Bike Historical Data
These data sets contain anonymised trip data from Belfast Bikes. -
Population Estimates for Small Areas, Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. These population estimates provide population... -
Population Estimates for District Electoral Areas (DEAs) in Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. Population estimates for the 80 District... -
Belfast young people who think that local facilities are shared and open to all
The proportion of of young people (aged 16) from Belfast Local Government District [2014] who responded, ‘Yes, definitely’ to the question ‘Do you think the following facilities... -
Land Information Services (Postal) 2020-2021
This dataset shows the volumes of Land Information Services completed for the financial year 2020-2021 which were received by the postal service. -
Land Information Service (Online) 2020-2021
This dataset shows the volumes of Land Information Service i.e. copy maps, copy documents etc requested by customers via LandWeb, the Land Registry's online, customer-facing... -
Applications completed by County 2020-2021
This dataset shows applications for registration competed sorted by county. It should be noted that many applications span county boundaries therefore a single application... -
Land Registry applications received 2020-2021
This dataset shows the volumes of applications received for registration by Land Registry in the financial year 2020-2021 -
Land Registry applications completed 2020-2021
This dataset shows the number of applications for registration completed by LPS Registrations (Northern Ireland) - specifically Land Registry in the financial year 2020-2021.... -
Information Requests Received by Land & Property Services in 2020/2021
Statistics on information requests received by LPS -
Examination performance at post-primary schools in Northern Ireland 2017-18
These data are gathered as part of the Summary of Annual Examination Results exercise. This exercise takes place between May and December of each year and collects information... -
Examination performance at post-primary schools in Northern Ireland 2016-17
These data are gathered as part of the Summary of Annual Examination Results exercise. This exercise takes place between May and December of each year and collects information...
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