تم العثور على 2 مجموعة بيانات (3 resources)

الوسوم: dataset

فلترة النتائج
  • OpenDataNI dataset suggestions

    A record of Suggest A Dataset submissions and their referral to Public Sector bodies to consider publication. Dataset suggestions are submitted by users of OpenDataNI as a means...
  • NI Cycle Counters - Raw data 2011-2016

    The attached data is the information held by the Department for Infrastructure, for cycling counters from 2011 to 2016. In 2016 the equipment was removed due to its age and...
يمكنك أيضا الوصول إلى هذا التسجيل باستخدامالواجهة البرمجية API (أنظر دليل API )