IRC265817 - Executive Officer 2
This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS 2021 Executive Officer 2 external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, ethnic background, disability etc. It also... -
Register of Ministers' Interests 2020-21
This dataset contains the Register of Ministers' interest for 2020-21 -
Department for Communities Information Asset Register
The register is a list of personal and non-personal information assets held by the Department for Communities (NI) (DfC) -
Programme for investment in public infrastructure
Information contained is provided by Northern Ireland Government Departments and their Arms Length Bodies. Information relates to construction contracts with a value greater... -
Department of Health trust boundaries
There are a total of 5 Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCT) in Northern Ireland; Belfast, Northern, Southern, South Eastern and Western. Each HSCT is managed directly by a board... -
Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21
On 26 May 2016, the Executive agreed the draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21. The draft framework contains 14 strategic outcomes which, taken together, set a clear...
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